[00:00:05] - G001繞腳金龍 Around the leg
[00:00:15] - G002繞左手 Around the left arm
[00:00:27] - G003繞右手 Around the right arm
[00:00:39] - G004風火輪 Flaming wheel
[00:00:50] - G005繞腳半轉 Around the leg with half turn
[00:01:02] - G006迴盪繞棍Basic circle
[00:01:11] - G007拋繞腳 Around the leg and toss
[00:01:21] - G008平沙落雁 Diabolo rope skipping
[00:01:32] - G009纏手繞 Around the arm with loops
[00:01:43] - G010手腳繞鈴Around the arm and leg
[00:01:58] - G011海盜船 Pirate ship
[00:02:09] - G012繞腳拋解線 Around the leg and step forward
[00:02:15] - G013跳換繞腳 Bilateral around-the-leg with jumping
[00:02:28] - G014左右跳鈴 Bounce diabolo between the leg
[00:02:38] - G015紡綿紗 Spinning
影片示範:錢靜怡 教練
影片剪輯:張宏仁 編輯
Copyright © Diabolo Association Kaohsiung. All Rights Reserved.
高雄市扯鈴協會官方網站 www.diabolokh.tw