


高雄市扯鈴協會級位檢定(自辦)~~ 場次:DAK-113020 日期:114/1/6(週一) 時間:15:30~17:00 檢定地點:高雄


  衷心感謝112年及歷年捐款本會之人士及踴躍繳納會費之會員,  您們是本會成長進步的動力,也是扯


●熱烈歡迎名譽理事長、顧問、長官、民意代表蒞臨指導    ●出席會員:114人 ●日期:114年1月1


受邀参加2024马来西亚国际扯铃大赛活動計畫 一、 目的:參與國際性比賽活動以提升扯鈴技術,和世界各地扯


高雄市扯鈴協會第九屆第三次理監事聯席會會議記錄 時 間:113 年 11 月 12 日(星期二)上午 10 時 00 分開始

2019高雄「城市盃」扯鈴運動大賽 網路類票選與報名說明 2019 Kaohsiung City Cup Diabolo Tournament - Web Category (“Diabolo on Video”) On-line Voting & Contest Rules



2019 Kaohsiung City Cup Diabolo Tournament - Web Category

(“Diabolo on Video”)

On-line Voting & Contest Rules




●票選方式:開放由民眾上網至高雄市扯鈴協會首頁>活動專區>票選活動,進行投票。(每隔24小時可再投一次票、可複投) 。自5月18日至6月7日止,在該活動期限內票選總數最高者,為第一名,以下類推。







1. On-line Voting by Audience

Date: 18/May/2019 ~ 7/June/2019

After preliminary selection, the qualified videos will be displayed on the website of Association for audience to vote their favourite “Diabolo on Video” (multiple-voting is permitted and available every 24 hours). The top 3 favourite videos will be awarded.

Final Result Announcement: the final results will be announced on the website of Association on 10 June, 2019.

Awards: The top 3 winners will be conferred award trophies in the Tournament Court (at Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) at 12 pm, June 15, 2019. Trophies will also be mailed to winners who are unavailable to attend the award ceremony. The Association reserves the right for displaying winner’s video on the website of the Association.



(一) 報名資格:

  1. 限就讀國中一年級學生或同年齡者以上方可參加(含青少年組、青年組、社會組)。

  2. 組別:個人賽男子組、個人賽女子組。

          3. 同一單位,每組最多報2人。

(二) 報名方式:請下載網路類報名表,並以電子郵件寄方式報名。

    電子信箱: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 (錢靜怡)0915121635

(三) 報名日期:108年4月15日起至105年5月16日下午5時止,逾期恕不受理。

(四) 報名費用:(免費)


2. Registration


1. This contest welcomes every international diabolo contestant to register in the name of individual, school, organisation or club. All contestants have to be 13 years old or above in order to participate.

2. Two groups only: men’s individual and women’s individual.

3. Maximum of 2 contestants (if contestants are from the same school, organisation or club) are permitted to register to the contest in each group.

Registration: Please download and fill the application form and register by e-mail to: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

Registration Time: from 15/April/2019 ~ 16/May/2019 (before 5 pm). Any late registration will not be accepted.

Registration Fee: (Free)



(一) 本類競賽時間為1分20秒至1分30秒,動作必須以雙鈴以上(含雙鈴)為之,加上配樂。

(二) 本類比賽可以使用培鈴,禁止使用附加其他道具。

(三) 參賽者可不施作單頭鈴;若施作,不可以使用定向之單頭鈴。

(四) 表演中禁止出現任何需要點火的裝置或動作。

(五) 參賽影片須將大會提供之指定識別全程入鏡。

(六) 拍攝方式請參照示範影片。https://youtu.be/C5fyx0zr6mM



指定識別  The assigned logo/poster


3. Contest Rules:

1. Time Limits: 1 minute and 20 seconds ~ 1 minute and 30 seconds. Contestants must play at least two (or more) diabolos simultaneously during the performance with music.

2. Bearing diabolos are allowed to be used, but any additional accessories attached to diabolos are banned.

3. It’s NOT mandatory for contestants to demonstrate the single-sided diabolo tricks. However, if contestants wish to do so, the single-sided diabolo is permitted to be used while the uni-directional axle with bearing is banned.

4. Any devices or tricks involving FIRE in any way are not permitted. 

5. The assigned logo/poster announced by Association is required to be filmed in the video consistently. 

6. Please refer to the demonstrating video for video shooting guidelines. https://youtu.be/C5fyx0zr6mM





4. Music: All music must be the G-rated (appropriate for general audiences). The music must not contain offensive lyrics including but not limited to: obscenities, violence advocacy, racial or sexual discriminations, etc. Please note: use of inappropriate music by contestants shall result in their disqualification.


(一) 自行將參賽影片上傳到YouTube網站或其他網站,經本會審核通過後,將該影片連結至高雄市扯鈴協會首頁→活動專區→票選活動,提供大家票選。

(二) 上傳之影片必須註明

(1)標題:2019 高雄「城市盃」扯鈴運動大賽-網路類




5. Uploading:

Contestants should upload their videos to YouTube or any personal websites, and title the videos as “2019 Kaohsiung City Cup Diabolo Tournament-“contest group”-“contestant’s organisation”-“contestant’s name”.



(一) 若以惡意之電腦程式或其他明顯違反活動公平性之方式,經主辦單位發現或第三人檢舉,一經查證屬實,立即取消參賽資格和得獎名次,並將該影片自活動網站中移除,情節重大者並訴諸法律途徑處理。

(二) 其他相關規定依照2019高雄「城市盃」扯鈴運動大賽辦法辦理。


6. Please Note:

Any malicious behaviour by contestants attempting to influence the fairness of competition or violate the Rules, the awarded prize, qualification and earned title will be withdrawn and disqualified by the Association. The Association reserves the right for taking legal actions against the malicious behaviour caused by contestants.


Copyright © 2019 Diabolo Association Kaohsiung. All Rights Reserved.